Accredited by NAAC with Grade B

Teachers Council


The “Teachers’ Council” is a “Non-Administrative Body”. It attempts to promote academic excellence. Teachers are organised in the form of “Council” commonly known as “ncil”, which is constituted at per the University Rules. It is the General Body of the teachers, having the Principal of the college as its President/Chairman and a Secretary, as elected/selected by the teachers in its annual meeting. They send their representatives to the college Governing Body, which administers the college as per the order issued by the DHE, Assam from time to time. All teachers of the constituent units (colleges) affiliated to Assam University send their representatives to “Assam University Academic Council”. The Assam University Academic Council designs the syllabi and Academic Calendar to be followed by its affiliated colleges.


The Teachers’ Council constituted the followings sub-committees/organizations for the purpose of better performance and progress in academic fields.