Accredited by NAAC with Grade B



The Centenary of Poet Rabindranath Tagore was celebrated at Karimganj in a befitting manner from the 8th May to the 15th may, 1961 under the auspices of the Tagore Centenary Celebration Committee, Karimganj, of which Shri P.C. Deb, the then Sub-divisional officer,Karimganj was the president and Professor Sukhamay Basu was the secretary.


Though there was no lack of pomp and splendor, the finance of the celebration was managed so efficiently that there was a surplus of Rs. 2500/-(Rupees two thousand and five hundred).By the standard of 1961,the amount was quite substantial and the Celebration Committee desired to utilize the amount to initiate with it a project of permanent nature. Shri Pramesh Chandra Bhattacharjee, the then Principal, Karimganj College mooted the idea of establishment of a girls’ college at Karimganj with the objective of spreading women education in this backward region. His proposal was accepted by celebration Committee in its meeting held on April 24,1962 with the observation that the proposal deemed to be welcomed as it was completely in conformity with the social vision of poet Tagore.


A Preparatory Committee was formed with following members and office bearers to facilitate an early commencement of the college.


  • Shri Prafulla Chandra Deb,S.D.O.,Karimganj,President
  • Srri Pramesh Chandra Bhattacharjee,Principal,Karimganj College,Secretary
  • Shri Sukhamay Basu, M.A., Joint Secretary
  • Shri Ratindranath Sen ,M.L.A.,Member
  • Shri Ranendramohan Das,Ex.M.L.A.,Member
  • Shri Dhirendra Kumar Bhattacharyya,M.A.,Member
  • Shri Bidhubhusan Choudhury,Member
  • Shri Binod Behari Das, B.L.,Member
  • Shri Rabindranath Aditya,M.A,B.L.,Member
  • Shri Nagendra Kumar Choudhury,Secretary,Pleaders’ Bar,Member


The preparatory Committee took initiative for procurement of a plot of land for the college and Shri Baidynath Mukerjee,Minister of Health,Govt. of Assam wrote a letter to the education minister for allotment of the plot of land opposite to Shambhusagar which was owned by the Government High School(Govt. Higer Secondary School),Karimganj but at that time it was under the possession of Assam Police Battalion.


The proposal was duly followed up and pursued by Shri Rathindranath Sen and Shri Ranendramohan Das and ultimately the Government of Assam was kind enough to transfer the plot to the college authority. Immediately after acquisition the preparatory Committee took measures for construction of college building on the premises. Smt. Anima Bhattacharjee was appointed Principal of the college and arrangements were made for recruitment of lecturers of other departments.