Accredited by NAAC with Grade B for non cbcs exam

Principal Message

Education plays a key role in the overall development of the society. The role of education is definitely not limited to giving and grasping knowledge and theory. The true goal of education transcends much beyond just awarding degree and certificate to the students. The quest of education is knowledge, humanity, culture, wisdom and sharpness but it should be noted that knowledge is not given but earned and character is not granted but cultivated.


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Anti Ragging Portal

Ragging has ruined countless innocent lives and careers. In order to eradicate it, Hon’ble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal No. 887 of 2009, passed the judgement wherein guidelines were issued for setting up of a Central Crisis Hotline and Anti-Ragging database.

In accordance with the orders, UGC (University Grants Commission), Govt. of India has developed a web portal.


Click Here to Visit Anti Ragging Portal